Sunday, February 7, 2016

Quotation Marks

On Friday I did a  mini lesson for my Fairy Tales unit, I focused on quotation marks. These are really tricky for kids to understand, a lot of my students thought they were apostrophes at first. I started out my creating an anchor chart along with my students, and then I showed to awesome youtube videos about quotation marks. They were both from the PBS Electric Company, I'll link them below, my kids absolutely loved them. Then together we corrected a sentence I wrote on the anchor chart together. Then they went back to their table groups and did a small group activity. I gave them each a sentence strip with an incorrect sentence on it, they had to add the quotation marks and commas. To do this they used macaroni noodles, they had a blast with it! Once they were done small group they each got a worksheet to correct sentences using their macaroni noodles as well, which I will link below. I think it was a great way to teach something really tricky by making it hands on and engaging for them.

It was also the 100th day of school on Friday as well! We did all different activities about the 100th day, I also made a banner for the door which made the kids really excited! I also made little labels and put them on glow sticks that said, Congrats you are 100 days brighter! I got the idea from here, Glow Stick Bracelets.

Quotation Mark Video 1

Quotation Mark Video 2

This is where I got the idea for the macaroni noodles! It is an awesome blog to check out!

Here is the worksheet I created for it which is very similar to hers!

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