Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Leveling Texts and Blogging

At this week's KSRA meeting we focused on two topics, leveling texts and blogging! Leveling texts is something that as future teachers we need to have an understanding of. Although there are apps and resources out there to help us level books it is important to have our own knowledge base of the Fountas and Pinnell and DRA levels. Readinga-z is a great website that has a ton of leveled texts and also helps with leveling other books by comparing it to their leveled texts. I specifically focused on blogging at the meeting and shared ideas for blogging for teachers, but also ways we can use blogging in our classrooms with our students. Below are the links to the leveling text powerpoint and the blogging powerpoint!

Leveling Texts Powerpoint

Blogging Powerpoint

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